2024 Q3 Update

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At Under The Same Sun (UTSS), we are proud of the incredible strides made in advocating for and supporting individuals with albinism. This progress is made possible through your generosity and dedication. We’re thrilled to share some key updates and successes from the past few months that reflect the tangible impact you’re making in the lives of our students in Tanzania.

Academic Achievements: Students on the Rise 

The highlight of our quarter has been the remarkable achievements of students like Sundi Revocatus, whose academic success exemplifies the potential we’re helping to unlock. Sundi recently completed her Form Six National exams with an exceptional Division 1.3 score, marking her as one of the top science students in the nation. Her dream of becoming a medical doctor, nurtured since Grade 8, is now within reach thanks to her hard work and the guidance provided through UTSS’s education programs.
Her success is a powerful reminder of the vital role our supporters play in helping students with albinism overcome barriers, thrive academically, and pursue their dreams. For Sundi and many others, the opportunities provided through our programs, from mentorship to career counseling, are key to their growth and confidence.

Supporting Transitions: From Primary to Secondary School 

This year, nine students completed their primary school education and participated in their Standard Seven National Examination. What made this moment even more meaningful was the graduation celebration we hosted for them, attended by UTSS staff in place of some parents and relatives who could not be there. For many of these students, this support was a crucial source of encouragement as they move forward in their educational journey.
All nine students have successfully sat for their Form One entrance examinations and are preparing to embark on their secondary school studies next year. Your contributions are directly helping these young scholars take the next big step in their education.

Individual Care and Support: Addressing Unique Needs 

Our students face various challenges beyond the classroom, and we are committed to addressing each one individually. This past quarter, we visited 22 secondary students in their schools to listen to their concerns, whether academic or personal, and provide tailored support. These visits allowed us to address issues early on, ensuring that no student is left behind. 
Additionally, 29 students received essential skin check-ups, organized in partnership with Standing Voice, an organization dedicated to providing health care to people with albinism. Ensuring the health and well-being of our students remains a top priority, especially given the health risks many of them face due to prolonged sun exposure.

University Readiness: Empowering Future Leaders 

This year, we’ve seen a group of 35 post-secondary students take part in our Pre-College Training Program, where they received laptops and underwent essential computer training. These students are preparing to enter various colleges and universities for the 2024/2025 admission cycle. The skills they’ve acquired will be instrumental as they navigate the challenges of higher education.
For students like Sundi, the dream of becoming a medical professional is not just an aspiration – it’s a tangible goal that is increasingly within reach, thanks to the support provided by UTSS and donors like you.

Creating Safe Spaces: Addressing Security Concerns 

Unfortunately, people with albinism continue to face serious threats to their safety. Recent cases of kidnappings and violence have made it necessary for us to make adjustments to ensure the well-being of our students. This past holiday, we made the decision to keep students in safe shelters rather than sending them home, due to ongoing security concerns.
To make the time enjoyable and productive, we organized a range of extracurricular activities such as Bible studies, debate competitions, singing and dancing, and sports events. These activities not only kept the students engaged but also fostered a sense of community and joy despite the circumstances.

A Vision for the Future: Our Dream in Action 

At UTSS, our dream is that one day, people with albinism will take their rightful place in every level of society, and that the days of discrimination against them will be a distant memory. Every achievement shared in this update brings us closer to realizing that vision.
Young leaders like Mwigulu, a UTSS grantee, exemplify the impact of our programs. Earlier this year, Mwigulu stood confidently before the African Court in Arusha and spoke with poise and clarity, showcasing not just his personal growth, but also the quality of mentorship and support UTSS provides. His bravery in standing up for himself and others is a clear testament to the transformation we aim to bring about.

Looking Ahead: Continuing Our Mission Together 

While we celebrate these successes, there is still much work to be done. Every student we support represents a future leader who can change the narrative around albinism, but only with the continued help of compassionate individuals like you.
Your contributions make all of this possible – from academic success stories to providing safe spaces, health care, and mentorship. Together, we are building a future where students with albinism can confidently take their place in society, free from discrimination and fear.
Thank you for being an integral part of this journey. We look forward to achieving even more together as we continue to empower students with albinism and work towards a world where equality and opportunity are the norm for everyone.

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