Can you believe that we’re already more than halfway through 2023? The last three months have been busy with planning for our upcoming Summer Camp while continuing to provide support and empowerment for students within our education program.
We are so grateful for all of you in our community who help make this important work possible. We wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude and share a few highlights of the activities that took place between April and June:

Primary Students:
27 students participated the third phase of the early career development and empowerment program where they had a full week of activities building up their self-esteem, learning life skills, and learning about potential careers. They also got to take a field trip to a local manufacturing company that combines modern and local textiles with recycled materials to create bags, wallets, purses, and hats. The program was a success and the students were left inspired and motivated. From aspiring doctors to future financial experts, their dreams ignite hope for a brighter future.
Family Reunification: We’re thrilled to announce our team’s success in reuniting a primary school student with her family.
Many children with albinism have been tragically separated from their families for various reasons. But our commitment to creating a brighter future for them remains unwavering. Through reunification, we restore hope and a sense of belonging, making a lasting difference in their lives.
Secondary School (Ordinary level and High School):
Our Pre-Form Five program was a hit! Students were enrolled in schools or attended classes at the VOH compound, where dedicated subject teachers provided invaluable support. The goal? To help students start studying early, ensuring they make confident choices about their subjects before entering Form Five. We’re empowering students to concentrate and stay committed to their academic path.

Summer Camp is coming up and the team has been busy getting prepared to welcome all 240+ students in our programs to our largest camp to date! From music, drama, and art to life skills, sports, and even health clinics, Summer Camp is sure to be an incredible week! Summer Camp will run from August 5th-12th and is going to be our largest one to date. Due to the pandemic, we have not been able to host camp since 2019.

Career Program:
The career program had a successful second quarter with various activities aimed at promoting employment opportunities and guiding students towards their desired careers.
- Our lobbying efforts with employers resulted in job and internship opportunities for graduates, leading to four graduates receiving interview calls and two securing employment.
- Four additional grantees secured employment, with two joining the government sector and two in the private sector.
- We also conducted employability training tailored specifically towards second-year university students.
Employment Advocacy
A major achievement by the Career Program team was being able to attend the Association of Tanzania Employers Annual General Meeting. They were given the opportunity to showcase a video advocating for employers to provide opportunities for people with disabilities, including people with albinism. There were 103 companies and organizations in attendance.

Computer Training for Survivors:
Five remarkable students, who live in our Safe House completed an empowering three-week basic computer training program. These courageous students have faced immense challenges as most of them suffered severe attacks leaving them with life-altering injuries. Despite these hardships, we continually see their determination and resilience as they journey towards brighter futures.
With the support of The Open University of Tanzania, this training equipped them with essential computer skills and knowledge. They now have a solid foundation in using computers and basic applications, fostering their independence and opening new doors of opportunity.
Other News!
- We’re now on Instagram! Follow our account to seen photos and videos of our programs and students: @utss.official
- We celebrated International Albinism Awareness Day on June 13th! Our founder and CEO, Peter Ash, visited a middle school in BC, Canada to talk to students about albinism and our cause. Some of the students in the school even made posters to hang up and raise awareness amongst their peers.